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Well what an experience so far!!
I am only 2 days in and already I am changing my view on everything :) The poverty is so surreal !! I have seen people strip searched - machine guns - pistols - drug taking in the middle of the street - our hostel got broken into so there was police but we are in the reality of it. No one speaks English and it is mad!! Certainly is different from traveling!! haha!! However a Tico (Costa Rican) saw my ghostly expression off it all and gave me an Orange to make me feel better so we sat there in the park me and Mr Tico with this amazing green Orange and talked about life in CR and Iceland and we wrote together ways he could look at getting ways of going back to school in San Jose to learn engineering. We talked in weird Spanish (me) and pretty good English (Mr Tico) on the world and how he would love to have no violence and a centered earth - so there is always a silver lining to all experiences... I wanted to feel humble and that moment I really did as what he wanted was so real and not materialistic!
In regards to the work - yeah reality is hitting home!!! OMG  I found out today that I along with three other people ( 2 lads and 1 girl) will be knocking down a house as this family have lived in; a house that is rotting away and they have had funding to get their home rebuilt with bricks!!
I am the oldest and where we are doing the´prjocet is poor!! I have never seen anything like it! But then the tourist bit is soooo different! But I wanted an experience and I am certainly getting it!!
But then there a such perks with it as I am going to a Festival this Sat and Sunday in Palmares where the bulls are let out and tomatoes are thrown into the crowds. The roads are already closed for the event as the town has millions of people show up for it and there is music and beer tents everywhere- then the weekend after that I am going zip wiring most likely and going to a natural blue lagon and river rafting so These type of things keep me going when I get scared!!
Spanish getting on a little bit.... But my host family are Spanish that steal fruit and sell them - I was like "pardon?¡¡¿¿" But hey such is the real life here :)
There is very limited reception and the Internet doesn't always work so after today I am not sure how many times I will be able to put a blog up. The government own the telecomunication service out here but it is going up for tender in March so they are trying to upgrade it and hence it keeps cutting off. However with all the power cables so close to earth and on the pavements I am surprised!!
Next time - who knows what I will be writing as I am ready to sign off a cheerleading practice with music has just commenced outside the park with flips and all!! haha!!!
Love you all and big hugs


  1. Vá það munar ekkert um það ;) Þvílík upplifun elskan. Njóttu þess að fá að upplifa hluti sem skipta máli í lífinu..
    Hlakka til að heyra allt um þetta þegar þú kemur ;)

    kveðja Álfhildur og Maggi


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