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Day 4 House arrest, lock down – Bath, UK 2020 I thought I would start a daily, every two day write up of my experience of quarantine. I am lucky enough to have lived in so many countries all over the world (literally from one side to the other). I have also travelled reasonably well so have people around that I am interested in hearing how they are holding up and they message me asking how I am doing. So here we are. I used to do this when I had limited access to day to day life in Costa Rica and funnily enough, I also did this when I live in Hawaii but then it was in paper form and to my friend D! Someone might read it – someone might not. I guess it helps me as well. I am a talker and a thinker so this will help me get my daily words to a slight lesser amount! Haha! Here we go; Few days before the announcement, Fri – Monday. Bath – March 2020 It felt so surreal. The weekend and even the Friday before I had work and I felt guilty for going about. I text my wond
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