Today I saw something amazing!
We are so quick to point out what is wrong in the world and how horrid people can be especially teenagers that we often miss the sense of community that is all around us! At lunch I was walking in a real rush back to the office after having picked up a birthday present for a friend of mine when I saw a little old man pushing what I can only assume to be his wife in a wheel chair. It looked as if he was struggling to get his missus up the hill so I went to cross the road to help but I was beaten to the post by a lovely young man that looked no older than 21.
He approached the man and his wife and asked if they needed a hand. The old man looked so reliefed and happy that he took the young lad up on the offer. This said gentleman pushed the old man's wife up the hill and than smiled, wished the two of them a good day and walked on. The older couple turned into their home and you could see they were definitely ready for a cuppa and a toasted tea cake by the days excitement. Before the young lad could put his music back into his ear and walk on I looked and shouted over the road "That was amazing what you just did there" He smiled and said thank you.
I honestly can say that this event today touched my heart more than thousands of movies I have seen as it was real and shows that actually if we stop focusing on all the bad teenagers and bad people out there and focus more on the good, then we will see more good and possibly be a tad happier for it!
So I now just need to go and find someone to push up a hill to feel younger! ;O)
We are so quick to point out what is wrong in the world and how horrid people can be especially teenagers that we often miss the sense of community that is all around us! At lunch I was walking in a real rush back to the office after having picked up a birthday present for a friend of mine when I saw a little old man pushing what I can only assume to be his wife in a wheel chair. It looked as if he was struggling to get his missus up the hill so I went to cross the road to help but I was beaten to the post by a lovely young man that looked no older than 21.
He approached the man and his wife and asked if they needed a hand. The old man looked so reliefed and happy that he took the young lad up on the offer. This said gentleman pushed the old man's wife up the hill and than smiled, wished the two of them a good day and walked on. The older couple turned into their home and you could see they were definitely ready for a cuppa and a toasted tea cake by the days excitement. Before the young lad could put his music back into his ear and walk on I looked and shouted over the road "That was amazing what you just did there" He smiled and said thank you.
I honestly can say that this event today touched my heart more than thousands of movies I have seen as it was real and shows that actually if we stop focusing on all the bad teenagers and bad people out there and focus more on the good, then we will see more good and possibly be a tad happier for it!
So I now just need to go and find someone to push up a hill to feel younger! ;O)

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