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I met someone a few weeks ago and they asked me a really interesting question. “Have you ever had a thought stay with you and imprison who you can become?”
I have pondered about this for a while and I today I came across a saying that really has stuck with me hence the reason for my blog today. Sometimes you have to let go of who you were to become who you want to be.
So if I was ever to meet this person again – which is doubtful I must admit, I would answer them and say no. I personally haven’t but I think many people do because they are too scared to let go of who they were to become who they want to be. Who they could be, who they dream to be because that means learning to forgive, grow and face adversity. Only then can you really embrace who you were and bring the freedom of life into your existence when you truly face up to things. When you take the time out to realise what is holding you back. For this gentleman a negative thought he had many years ago is still 18 years later affecting who he can become. I kept asking myself why? Why would you do that? Why would you not verbalise this and face it. Accept you had a negative thought, explore perhaps why? Then forgive yourself and accept it. Let go of it and move on. I believe this man thought this thought to deny reality. To hide what had really happened yet still he believes he has bad traits because of it. Yeah I don’t think he is truly together at this point in his life but he definitely isn’t as bad as he thinks he is. It made me so sad to think that he surely isn’t alone with this. That there are other people out there so imprisoned by their thought mind cells but in a selfish way it made me feel very lucky to not think like that. I know I am not the easiest of person, can be very outspoken when I don’t need to be and I have my faults but I know I will face up to things and accept setbacks only to learn from them. I won’t dwell on the negatives and let fear rule my life, so even though I have met this person and never will again I am actually really grateful for having had that moment because again the universe dangled the fabness of it in my face and reminded me that just because other people can’t handle you – it just means you might not see the world in the same light.  
I am learning that I definitely will and will continue to learn to let go of the past, the now and the future and sculpt my life, to face the home truths about myself then move on and see the positives from it. To not judge myself by others peoples thoughts of me or perceptions but take in what they might say and evaluate it. To not let thoughts, past actions, fears, judgements or adversity affect the amazing time I can have each day and I hope anyone reading this does not let thoughts imprison them discouraging them to have the life they want and be the person they want to become. Shit happens – get over it! :) X 


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