My feet hit the ground after 6 hours on the bus. I didn´t know what to expect…. I had been told this place was beautiful. I was told that here in Rio Celeste that when god created the sky he took a bit of it and placed it in this River called Rio Celeste… I have to admit I was mighty sceptical… My experience of Costa Rica had taken a slight hit this week. My body was and still is refusing the rice and beens, the house I am staying in had gotten much louder and I hadn´t managed to sleep for nearly 5 days. My faith in people had taken a massive hit and deep down I hoped this place would give me a bit of spark back. I needed it. I needed not to miss my family, the country side of England, the old pubs and not being stalked in shops, by strangers not wanting to touch my hair constantly or simply chat to me because I look different…
As we luckily went off the bus at the exact right momento without any signs as to where this place was I wondered if my luck was turning. We started walking up the hill, Emma and Jack at my side. We saw a sign saying 12 km . We all pepped each other up and said yeah it will be a beautiful walk so lets do it. Before we knew it a car stoped and asked if we wanted a ride. We accepted and as Jack sat down he went “ did you see what was in the back?” I looked at him and as to say ---- please don´t tell me it is like a head or something… and yep a massive bulls head with horns and everything! We laughed and thought – Oh well Pura Vida…. This man turned out to be a gem of a person. He showed us the sights to Niguaraga and the lake seperating that part from Costa Rica and Niguaraga. He picked his 4 year old son up and let him steer the car and gave me an wild orchid to put in my hair. He took us to meet his family and they cut down suger cane for us and let us suck on it. Gave us juice and showed us where to walk the remiander 5 Km to the Rio. We had done about 1 Km and seen the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. You Could see through it and where it stoped! We saw consrtuction work from Army ants and wild orchids everywhere! As we had walked 1 km a bus drove past which is not the norm in that reainforest as you have to do most by foot or horse. He offered us a ride. We accepted and asked how much. He said you pay at end. He explained that the park was closed. I explained back we were simply wanting to see the river and find a place to stay for the night… He took us to where the road stoped. Got out and started walking with us to the river. All of us though…. Come on mate. Let us do this. We will pay you and then adios…. He showed us the river and OMG!! I have never seen anything like it! The colour, the peacfulness, the whole thing! I was flabergasted!! (love that Word)!! He then walked us past this place that said cabins – open. We told him we were going to check it out. He still didn´t leave he walked with us to the cabins, started speaking to the local people and we thought – ok here comes the bill for guiding us all the way!! He simply said goodbye and pura vida. He had done it all for free and sorted us out a cheap accomidation! We all looked at each other and felt so guilty for trying to shake him off!! However this was just what I needed to have my faith restored. I realised that with the rain comes the rainbow! Yeah my faith in people had taken it´s toll but it also reminded me that there is good and bad and I should never taint all experiences the same. That time is a precious thing. That we often rush so much to make up our mind or get involved that we don´t let time show us peoples and experiences true colours. Surely it is better to take the time to get to know things and people than being caught up in situations that are then harder to get out of and have far too much emotion connected to it J Who ever said good things come to those who wait knew what she was sayin….
Anyways the cabins turn out to be at the end of this river and alter sitting outsider and admiring the colour and beauty the fireflies kicked in and what a sight it was. Jack and I Could not relieve our eyes! They were stunning! We all slept as babies with the river benid us.The next day we went to the nacional park to see the waterfal and you will never believe it but my shoes broke and I had to hike the rest beerfoot! I had to do over an hours of Liking with no shoes and what caught my attention was the Westernes I passed were all OMG – you ok type thing but the local people just smiled and said – Good on you. Keep up the good work. It highlighted to me how customed we have become to comfort and actaully that if we put our mind to it and positive attitude we can do it. I have to admit it was so painful and I kept thinking – if I Could complete the marathon last year I can do this andi t worked. I got to the end where Emma and Jack were waiting with a jeep cab to take us to bus station. I realised that we don´t need sole to carry on…..
This week the walls have been completed on the house. I can´t believe how much is done. We are back to hand mixing cement! And the muscles are aching again but in a good way. My bum has never been so firm! It is just such a shame I can´t let a partner enjoy this once in a life time momento as I doubt this will remain as I get back to the country of pints and chips J I have also been to the Cloud forest this week and been to a suger cane farm! OMG it was Amazing to see how sugar is actually processed. The Shell was horrendous though!! Can´t ever smell sugar again!! I have held a snake! Never thought I would ever Ever do that!! Had drinks with another local family and hit the dance floor with a man in trainers and was actaully kicked about as he used his foot to guide me. Had Money stolen off me but manged to smile! Chatted home for ages to Tan for the first time as I got pretty homesick. Been in an earthquake whilst eating local food, been cooked lunch for by a Costa Rican family along side Jack and most of all had a special friendship strengthened with talks, annoyance but most off all loads of laughs! Jack is definately my brother from another mother and next week our travels take place across Costa Rica and Panama. It will be an interesting start as for those of you who know I was ment to be getting married at the end of this month and instead I am having a Costa Rican fiesta and Jack has a surprice on the “special day….”
I will keep you posted
Hope you are all well and yet again I send you sunshine vibes and for the Lytchett People. I am sending some “keep the library open fighting spirits!”
Pura Vida and another hug
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