I woke up next to a pool and opposite the beach on Sunday. Took me a few minutes to actually believe where I was. I had gone to a Fiesta (yes indeed another one) in Puntarenas. After that we drove to the beach. I could hear the ocean when I went to bed but I didn´t know it was going to be in front of me! I didn´t want to get up I wanted to enjoy this momento so I did so. I skiped breakfast and listened to the waves and watched out as far as the eye would take me. I waited for Jack to arrive and he jumped in the pool. We sat there in the rain in this warm pool with my new Costa Rican friends, Cristian, Marco, Sean and 2 x Andreas and started laughing at how surreal this all was. However that didn´t stop us from climbing 40 meters in the air and jumping down the bungy jumping tower. OMG the view was amazing. Costa Rica never stops to amaze me. The beauty is beyond this world. I went silent for a good few minutes and Jack started laughing. He looked at me and joked that he had actually never Heard me speechless before and he was right I have hardly shut up this trip but anyone that knows me will know that shutting me up is like a miracle come true for those present. I think he secretly loved me so quiet!! Hehe. The other guys sat at the bottom taking pitcures of us and calling us the loco (crazy ) people in their Costa Rican accent attempting to speak english.
I jumped! I felt the wind in my face. I felt gravity pull me down and then I hit the wáter. It WAS AMAZING. I never thought I would do a bungy jump but I did it and that i show I feel about this whole trip. Just do it! The one thing Nike have really got right – their slogan! Just do it! We headed back in the car crowded and our new friends took us on top of this massive hill and a prívate road to watch the sunset over the Pacific peninsular and it was breathtaking. All this after me pushing away two men that came up to me and Emma and asked if they could kiss us. Yeah no hello how are you, why are you here etc. The first thing was Can I kiss you!! This other group saw me politely say no and go wild on the dance floor so they bought us drinks. I have since then eaten with their whole family. Talked about philosiphy, the secret, religión you name it! They own a development company and are based in US and CR so are loving the opportunity to speak english. They have looked after me as I was their sister. I have used their pool, drove me 2 hours to the beach. Speak openly about everything and I had ice cream with their mum and we set the world right.
I have taken Salsa lesson and was awful. This tiny Little man danced with me and I was dreadful. It was so funny. Went out with the homestay family and a large group of us went to the cineme on Valentines day. I stayed and chatted to the Costa Rican people there and found out I might be able to go and help the indians in the mountians. And one of the chaps said something to me that I will take with me forever. He said that when he went to see them for the first time he had asked them do you not find it difficult being so poor living like this and the indian man replied and said no. I feel rich because look at my back garden. I have a whole forset but I feel bad for you as you have a poor mind to think that! I love it!! I will so take that with me. To thank them for all their hospitality I am going over this week or next to cook them a meal!! Under pressure as they have maids and they always cook so they will be used to proppa cooking not some amateur from Little ol Iceland!! Haha!!
We had journalist in this week and I had the funniest comment of all. You look like a Cosmo girl so do you mind having your photo in Cosmo and the Herald in Scotland as you don´t look like the type to do this. I kept the laugh inside as I was yet again reminded that yeah of courser first impressions count but how wrong can they be. J The house is coming on nicely. We have cemented the floor and have started on the walls!! And we had a yellow cement machine for 4 days. I actaully kissed it!! They all laughed at me but OMG I was so happy. It is gone again but for days is better than nothing. Looking at the positive and the fact it was yellow was just a bonus!! J
What else this week.……:
Long walks, Las musas (wáter park) wáter fall, drinks with several new people I met in Costa Rica (Not alcoholic), debates about american politics, Oh and and coffee plantation. I went for a wonder on my own and came across this coffee plantation and they invited me in for a free tour of how coffee is made and I got to stand in the coffee knee deep!! It was amazing. I got to see the difference between how Organic coffee and normal is made (Yes Matt I will so be bringing you some – don´t you worry) I will post pictures soon on facebook for you to see. Been to the sweatiest costa Rican bar and had a blast! So much happens here! It is fab. and yet again their happyness amazes me. Yesterday Jack and I were walking to work and this van loaded with coke was parked by the hospital and the guy dropped his load. He stuck his tounge out and laughed. Me and Jack both perked up at that Split second! What is the point crying over spilt milk….. as they say J
Well yet again I have goine on for far too long so I will let you go with my manly muscles I am developing ( I am telling you any man would be so happy to have my right for arm muscle at the moment….hehe) J
Apologies for my spelling. The Word document is in Spanish so can´t check my spelling J Sorry!!
A S always Pura Vida and Hasta Luego.
Mucho Gusto!!
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