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Three Hammers and a Rope

What can I say! I am here!! And what a a week it has been. I wish I could say I was speechless however you aren´t that lucky!! I have so much to tell already but not enough space or friends and family with enough patients to tolerate it.
Took the bus to San Ramon after an eventful journey to the station packed as a Sardine in a car!! and what a beautiful journey it was. I started to get to know the people I was staying with better and it I was skeptical that the friendships that were forming would last through the long hot days to come…..
We got greeted by our host families and had to walk with our luggage to the house…. That is when I really realized how hot it is here… the beginning to my muscle building!
We dropped our bags off and picked up our lunch boxes and headed straight to work. 5 minute walk we were promised – yeah Costa Rican 5 minutes are 40 minutes!! I am still getting caught out on this one….
Since then we have literally torn down a whole house with only three hammers and a rope. Health and safety my derier!! Haha – Never worked so much in my life! They have no tools but mange to get it done and then they simply say pura Vida – The pure/good life and smile at you. We have taken two skips full of wood and moved them from one end of the plot to another and tomorrow we need to do it again. There is no concept of forward thinking here and the funniest bit is that they still don´t know what to do with the extra wood from the old house!!
I am learning fast to not ask porque and just get on with it J They hug you and touch you constantly if you just get on with it J
We already have our fruit man that orders in fruit for us…… Pretty special experience to have such friendliness and even when we look filthy!! The Costa Rican really care what they look and smell like (they brush their teeth after each meal) and some people look at us like we are these filthy foreigners but the ones that get to know you simply don´t care and they are the most friendliest people I have ever met!
The beautiful surroundings take your breath away and today we got lost but ended up running up this massive hill and seeing my name in writing on the wall! Had one of those inner moments of – yeah I was so meant to do this! J (had to get a bit of cheese in there)
Nothing is for sure here other than that Rice and Beans are definitely always on the menu but I have to say they are darn tasty and today after we sang Happy Birthday and gave our Host mum a cake with candles we were treated to a tasty Pasta dish with coriander!!
And a week in I have to say that even though I am the old one and everyone is trying to pair me up with their brothers…. I am with the most wicked people a girl could have landed with. Emma my house mate is a Scottish girl that is the most motherly person I have met – Mary Poppins with the most fab sense of humour, then there is Louise that is a mini version of me. She is 23 and wants to be in the forces! She has got the thickest Birmingham accent and I love it. I am constantly saying – what? Can you speak English… That´s the girls. The boys: Jack my other house mates. He is also 23 but I have never met a guy that can talk as much sense but have so much fun with it at the same time. I constantly am singing “consider yourself” as he has the most fabulous London accent!!! Jonah it makes me think of you constantly as he played Malfoy double act in Harry Potter (Chamber of secrets)  and then there is Carl who lives in Corfe Mullen!!! The biggest power ball and focuse 20 yr old I have ever met!!
Well will stop now – need rest before I go to the fiesta tomorrow and then off to the beach.
I love you all and miss you (at night when the sun is not out….) J
Hasta Luego mi amigos!
Oddny Cara aka Dave


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