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Costa Rica Baby!!

Hola Everyone!

24hours from start to finish until my head hit the pillow last night / morning / afternoon depending on where in the world you were! :)

What can I say this week has been surreal! In one week I have been told off for taking a road sign of working men, walked around a castle with Starbucks, Seen the biggest Shark attached to a ceiling possible, had a water fight with two grown ups, had a hot shower and a COLD shower but most weirdly had breakfast at 8am on Friday with the whole family sat at the dinner table!! Now let me tell you - now that has happened I believe in ANYTHING being possible!! haha

So my journey really started when we played Don´t stop me now with McFly driving past the plastic cows by Twickenham, followed by post sorting (not kidding) and the most fabulous mean at the Wharf and finished nicely with several cyders at the Teddington Arms! AndI have to say a massive thank you to Matt for driving. Tan for staying awake and Cy for the most amazing shower!

With riped jeans I headed off on the plane. realised I had left my books and Monoply cards at home I took out my Learn Spanish book on the plane - turned out to be the best thing as the Stwewart came to me and said there were to other chaps doing exactly the same further down the plane and had invited me to come and say hello! Of course I did so. Turns out both called Pete!! One has left a Marketing job and lives in Bournemouth and is a Surf teacher!! The other one a Swedish guy who engineers planes. So a fab meet! All of a sudden I wasn´t on my own anymore :) stayed with them all the way until meeting the i2i people and am meeting up with them in a couple of weeks for free surf lessons ;) Not a bad start at all!

Gets better as I then went to the hostil and shared a room with the most fabulous 3 girls from London that all work in events or marketing! We had a midnight beer over looking San Jose!

Well I better stop here as the sunshine and the local Theatre is calling! I will update you all on the family this week. I have already met the main project supervisor and he is slightly mad and fabulous :) so interesting times ahead!!

I am sending sunshine hugs and FAT smiles to everyone!

Hasta la Vista


  1. Welcome to Costa Rica then babe :) Sounds like you're off to a great start already...figures you've made friends in the first 24 hours! Good luck with the brick making...I may even have beans for dinner tomorrow as a tribute to you!

  2. Waaaahoo! You made it old girl!! Nice one . . . sounds great so far, had a feeling you'd find some cool people to hang out with and surfing, how cool is that!! Hope you have a really good time meeting the family in the next couple of days and an even better time digging your hole a day later!! We're definitely missing you already and so is minty!! LOL M xxx


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