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Perfection in the average day!

Whilst I was in Costa Rica I wrote on my blogg that I would not look around me as a cocky confident lass that knew what was around. I would open my eyes a bit more and walked around my own area as a tourist. I have done this. I went on my own into the Corf Castle countryside after dipping my toes in the Purbeck swimming pool and drove until I found this amazing recommended pub. I was the only person there as they had closed shop but the landlady allowed me to have a ½ pint and sit outside even though they were closed. I took the lady up on her offer. I sat down with my cloudy bitter and a packet of cheese and onion crisps. I looked around me and I was amazed at the sight around me. Green hills and thatched roofs, castle ruins to my left and an old pub to my right. I had been for a walk with Matt the day before and sat in the grass bank of the Jurassic coast looking out to the ocean! As I sat there in the beer garden I felt an over whelming flow of contentness of being home. I realised that it is enough to venture only 15 minutes down the road to see new sights and appreciate what we have. Don’t get me wrong I am already planning my new trip but the difference is that this time I am not planning it in search of something better. I am simply going to see new sights and broaden my experience of the world.

I am in the process of finding a job and relocating to London and already I am hearing so many different opinions on it. There are people and friends that advice me from doing it and then there are others that can’t compliment it enough. It has been an interesting mind journey to hear such conflicting experiences about London but what I came to realise this morning is that this is exactly why it is so important I know my own voice and know what I want to do and don’t simply follow the crowd. I might hate it, I might love it – who knows, but at the end of the day I don’t know until I do it. I am not stuck if I go up there as the country side of England isn’t going anywhere and how I look at it is that wherever you go there will be good places and bad places but if you surround yourself with the things you enjoy then surely it will be more pleasurable than simply keeping up with what you have or where you are. I love the parks in London and Covent Garden is a magical place for me. Sitting on the pavement watching the tourists marvel at the street entertainment! I have already done this twice since being back, once on my own and second time with Tom. I know he thought I was mad J but I love it!!!  I loved sharing it and selfishly enjoying it all over again! Don’t get me wrong I have got really scared at being home and having no job, not really having my space and being broke but I wouldn’t change the experience I have had for any riches. I learnt that the unknown is actually a pretty fun place to be at. And before I left I needed to know what was going to happen in advance where as now I truly believe that happiness is finding perfection in the average day and therefore I don’t NEED to know what happens next.  I can simply enjoy the days getting there even the bad ones like yesterday where my tooth was in agony, my laptop broken with all my files, photos, work etc gone forever and the only single one in the family but I then realised that in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter because at least I have a healthier mind now that isn’t bothered in being caught up in the difficult situations but wants to move on from them. J OMG I sound like Pollyanna here! Think it is time to put the laptop down before I make Matt’s Mac sick of the sweetness coming out of it!! J

Several people have requested I keep my blogg as I have family and friends all around the world and this way they can keep up as I am notoriously bad at keeping in touch so there will be updates as to when and where I move to. But for the rest of you that have to put up with me on a daily basis you don’t need to read any more J whoop whoop

I am home now. Been home for just over two weeks! How time flies. I have already seen my tan fade, done 4 days working, been for coastal walks, been swimming, had lunch at the pub and caught up with several friends. Gone out and danced the night away, dined at friends houses, had an interview and spoken to several recruitment agencies. I am so glad to be home, not because I had a bad experience just because I actually found that the grass is not greener on the other side even though it is pretty lush! It is what you make of any situation that makes it green and enjoyable!

Big fat hugs and kisses


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