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The Wind of Change

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation about changing. Not changing clothes or nappies or hair colour but about personal development. Changing who you are. It made me wonder a lot. Can an experience change you forever? Does something simply go SNAP and you have changed? Or do some of us have to grow and learn the lesson along the way? Or are these “changing circumstances” intertwined like a strangler tree uses its roots to take over the other tree? I personally don`t know. I grew up with two conflicting arguments. First one: It is important to change with the times but the second was don´t change for anyone! Surely if you change with the times you are changing for others? Then I ask the question when do we know when we need to change or when we should change? When is change good or bad? Do we lie to ourselves a lot and believe we have changed when simply all we have done is learnt a lesson? Do we kid ourselves that we don´t need to change because we know that with change comes a lot of work. Many unanswered questions, plenty of self doubt or self clarity. Or do some of us not struggle at all with change and simply change when we have to or when circumstances call. All I know is that I see the places I travel to change for tourism, to please the traveler and make it easy for them. Places are so quick to change to attract more tourists that many of the places I have seen lose their identity yet simultaneously I encounter so many people that look for untouched nature and “The Costa Rican experience” I fail to see the real connection here. Do the people who seek natural beauty deep down crave the simplicity of what they know? And do the “touristy” places want to change to earn more money and make it easy for them and then complain that the place has changed is simply a habit. I don´t know what it is and the same goes for us human beings. Do some of us talk a good game but struggle to walk the walk? All I know is that some change for me is good and other change has not been so good and I will enjoy the difficult journey ahead to find my personal inner compass, to grow and change when necessary and see with clarity and confidence.
All this has come from the last two weeks where I have encountered happy people, Sad people, intense people, relaxed people, crazy people, very intelligent people, angry people and funny people. Deep and ditsy people, confident and insecure people! I still can´t believe how many different types of people you meet on your travels but each day is like a school day. I am enjoying it to the fullest. I am taking it all on board and using every second to learn and look at what I actually like and what I don't. I have trekked in the jungle, swam in a river with crocks, had geckos hang off my ears like earrings. I have traveled to Panama, seen a carnival, asked 100 times for a taxi and if I want to smoke marijuana! I have snorkeled and seen the most beautiful fish and fallen in the water fully clothed! I have danced the night away, sat in a hammock and read all night, have enjoyed red wine, cold coffees and struggled to eat because my budget is tight. I have been told I am a bad person for coming out here and doing charity work and taking work away from the poor. I encountered a short friendship with the most intense person I think I will ever get to know and learnt more than I could have by paying a councillor. Sometimes it is easier to figure out what you want by starting to look at what you don´t want. I left an uncomfortable situation when it would have been easier to stay. I dined with a Costa Rican football player, listened to the ocean and live music. I met Jacks brother who proves the Duddy blood line is a good one. I have crammed a lot in and been eaten alive by mosquitos!! And I still have more time. I have days when I struggle traveling on my own but then I have days when I LOVE it!!  All I know is that I have a feeling that even when my traveling is over (Next week!!!!) my journey does not end and I will book my next flight.
Dusk is approaching this beautiful Cahuita place I am at on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica so I must hurry back to the hostel. I look forward to seeing you next week, have toast with marmite and a cup tea with full fat milk. To taste the spring air. To hug my family and friends. I look forward to my next trip but I will be so sad when this one is over!!
Lots and Lots of Love
Oddny xxxx


  1. Can't believe that you are coming back already. Safe trip and see you soon on QVC. xx


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